I've ran for almost the last 12 years, but for the last few years I've been in a running rut.
About 6 weeks ago, I decided to try the Half Marathon training. I'm following Hal Higdon's program.
I'm on week 9 now. It's been going well. This Sunday I have to run 9 miles. That will be a test for me. I'm going to add an 11 & 12 mile run in also before the 13.1run.
I just got the Nike+ Sensor. It's really kewl. It will track your runs, distance, calories burned, etc. You can upload this info on nikeplus.com and set up teams, challenges, etc. The site is a little confusing, but I think they're going to be changing it up soon. All you need is the sensor set & an iPod.
I got new shoes, but didn't get the high priced Nike+ "Smart Shoe". Basically, those shoes have a hole under the removeable insole to place the sensor in.
Of course, I had to make an "In the Hoop" machine embroidery design for my sensor :)
My pouch is held securely to any running shoe and the sensor fits snugly inside.
You can find the deisgn on my website.
Nike+ Sensor Shoe Pouch
See my side bar to track my runs.
Wow, good luck! I'm don't enjoy running myself cuz I'm not used to it.. But you gotta remember it's good for your heart as well, plus you loose weight!
:) My blog: http://the-rr-blog.blogspot.com/